
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: gener, 2021

3rd grade. Animals

 Good morning,  In 3rd grade we are learning the animals and their body parts. We play different games and do different activities in order to learn in a meaningful way! Here are some photos so you can see what we are doing.  See you in class,  Maria

Parts of the body

 Good morning! In 1st grade we are learning the parts of our body. As we like to sing, dance and move, we also practice the following songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4eueDYPTIg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cqLp1RqHl8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS_Mz3ekkck Here you have some photos from the activities we do in class: I hope you like them.  See you,  Maria

Food. Countable and uncountable

 Hello!!! In year 6 we started a new unit. It's about food. We review the vocabulary that we may know from past years but we are also learning new vocabulary. Furthermore, we differentiate between healthy & unhealthy food, different types of food but that's not all! We're also learning the foods that are countable and the ones that are uncountable . Here are some photos so you can see what we're doing. I hope you like them.  See you,  Maria